Greetings! I'm Sofija—a passionate teacher, accomplished author, dedicated musician, proud mother, and the driving force behind Hiba. Embark on a journey with me as I eagerly unfold a tapestry of knowledge, weaving together my experiences and expertise. From the rhythm of music to the art of parenting and the realms of education and literature, join me in exploring a world where wisdom knows no bounds. Welcome to a space where I'm not just sharing knowledge, but fostering a community bound by the love of learning. Let's embark on this enlightening adventure together!




music COACH / violinist

My Vision

"To pave the way for the educational, behavioral, social, and emotional success of gifted children through their unique instruments, it is crucial for us, as teachers, to embrace guidance from our students. By attuning ourselves to their individual needs, passions, and potentials, we unlock a pathway to not just academic achievement but holistic growth. It's a symbiotic journey where their instruments become not just tools of expression but also compasses guiding us towards fostering their fullest potential."

Sofija Zlatanova.



Hello, I'm Sofija—your guide into the harmonious world of music and the transformative realm of autism education. As a dedicated teacher and founder of Hiba, I wear the hat of a coach, bridging the gap between educators and students. My mission? To help you align your teaching style with the unique needs of your students, employing innovative and unconventional methods that go beyond the norm. Together, let's not just make a difference in every lesson, but also nurture the potential within gifted students, turning their musical hobby into a vocation. Join me on this journey as we collectively prepare them for a future brimming with possibilities.

My portfolio

xo-xo, Sofija Zlatanova.


 They call me

Music Educator - author - VIRTUOSO

 More of me


  • I’M OBSESSED WITH Combining music & Art

  • MY FAVORITE PLACE IS With my family

  • MY DRINK OF CHOIcE IS Green tea Please!

  • my FAVORITE violinist Jacha Heifetz

Boston Voyager

“In fact, my teaching style is a unique combination of two major violin schools: the Russian and German ones. I was initially trained on the Russian violin technique which enabled me to develop both strong musical expression intensity and technical fluency. Whereas the German violin school, equipped me later on with more rigorous performance and technique discipline. I bring to my students, in a creative and easy fun way, the best of both schools combined with my own touch to unleash their talent. Sofija Zlatanova-Principal”.